Junior Varsity Team

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Blog: Boredom

boredom-previewHaha not really. In fact quite the opposite... and ALSO the name of our new video! This is the week of Nintendo Boy. First off, happy birthday to the site. It is 1 year old today, and my premium domain & email services are renewed for another year. Here's to another great year! xD Anyway, $30 later, here we are! Not too many videos since a year ago, but eh, we have fun with it. Speaking of videos, I've assumed you've already seen our brand new video, Boredom, along with the bloopers to it! I believe it's our best one, filmed in HD, but YouTube chipped the quality away, and the Freewebs-NB Site Player is just awful, but it's the alternative to be able to play it at my school and other areas where YouTube is difficult to access. If you haven't seen it, stop by the home page and be sure to rate/comment with your YouTube/Google Account!

And so, I think that's it for now. Just enjoy the videos, and keep coming back! As we work on the next video, The Rendezvous will soon return to being the center of attention... yes I know it's currently a somewhat dead end! :P