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Anti-Clamatic Road Map


Anti-Clamatic Road Map


Patrick Star = You. You became so bored with this website, you left. Left a long time ago. In fact, since you're here, have some brownies. It's the least I can do. Yes, yes. It's been a long time since we've talked. With every blog entry the gap gets larger and larger, and it's just unacceptable. But the funny thing is that no one really notices... or at least, I hope not! No one checks what the site is up to, except only when a new video is being promoted. So, let's just pretend that's the case, and that we took a vacation and that we are back!

But the reality is, I've never taken a vacation from this project. Yes, the last blog post was in October. Yes, the last video was released in September. To be honest, the site has taken a backseat to accommodate time to my comedy writing. If you follow me on twitter, you know that I am very active on getting the best jokes to you (lately from headlines) and making you laugh! Yes, the end of 2010 I was very busy with coming up with comedy, and what I try to do is incorporate it into a film-format and present to you as a Nintendo Boy video, but sadly that plan has yet to be successful.

As far as the project, I think I'm raising the bar too high for myself. In November 2010, I filmed a script I wrote about a job interview, which you may have seen a teaser of on our Facebook page. The editing has been an issue for me and you know I don't really want to release something that I'm not completely happy with... I say I'm raising the bar too high for myself because this is the 2nd time that this has happened: hard work was put in and no video to show for it. Yeah, it's the worst. The "job interview" project hasn't been scrapped yet because I really like the video, but I've put it in the shelf and do plan on returning to it soon. I find that can be good for a lot of things if you give it time, and then you can come back to it with a fresh new look.

So, that's a quick status update. But you don't want to hear about the past, only about the future. Let me show you a sneak peak of our road map. First off, you will not have to wait so long for any blog entries. I know you were VERY upset that you didn't receive your daily dose of Nintendo Boy, but it won't be an issue anymore. So here's what's happening: This week I will post the 2nd annual "year in review." We will take a fond look back of the project in 2010 in the form of a lengthy blog post, so look out for that. After that, well... I don't know. It's getting harder and harder to find time to film, but that's going to need to change soon, huh? ... So, yeah. That was anti-climatic. I promise, you will see a video soon. It has to happen, and it will happen my way, and it will be amazing. Also, funny. It will be funny. Because all we really need is a good laugh. Stay tuned.


Finishing Up Team Effort!

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Finishing Up Team Effort!


Whew. Here we are! I'm sitting in a Panera Bread trying to look like I'm writing a novel, but I'm not fooling anyone here. I do have a blazer on, so I guess it helps a little bit. So tonight we are to finish up talk about Team Effort. Yes, you're sick of it, I know. I am too. I've planned this since August, filmed it in between for a release every Monday in September, and now we're in the middle of October as I FINALLY finish blogging about it, something I normally do the day of the release. Because of these late entries, probably no one will be reading this (except YOU of course... thank you!!) but I enjoy typing my thoughts out. I'M EXCITED TO FINISH THIS, so let's get it done! *go buys a Panera Bread cookie* So. Part 4. My favorite episode (although not brightness-editing wise *cough), and the 3 episodes prior to this were all leading up to it. Okay, well that was obvious. BUT I'M JUST SAYING. THIS WAS THE EPISODE! WOO. It was also the episode that caused me the most stress ever for a video I've done. BASICALLY, we managed to film Parts 1-3 all in one looong day, out of order of course. Part 4, at the time of filming the first episodes was not clear to me, although of course I had some ideas floating around in my head. Before you start talking smack about me, you must know that I always come up with the endings of my videos FIRST. Consider it a little secret of mine. I just have to know how the video will end because that is honestly the most important aspect of a video. Well, the videos I make, at least. It's like Public Speaking... the first and last parts will always leave a lasting impression, which is why I always try to open a video with a funny out-of-context one-liner and then something fantastic at the end. This wasn't the case for Team Effort, because I didn't know how to tie it all together. I knew all along that I wanted the ending to be a twist, and to make me look like the culprit in Parts 1-3 but then not have me as the person who slacked off. But, I didn't know how to pull that off.

I wasn't too worried about it, because after finishing filming on the first couple days of September, I had a month until Part 4 was due to be released. Let me tell you, last month went by SO FAST. I slowly became more stressed because I still didn't know how to end it, even with me being locked in a room trying to write the ending, as well as asking my sister and the actors for input. Actually, Ashley and Edlyn (the actors) played a large role in how the series turned out. The idea of having a theme for each video (Hunger, Depression, etc) was their idea... now THAT'S a collaboration! I need to give a big thanks to Lauren as well, for helping me film the entire Part 4, including the scene in the classroom that was filmed on a separate day... which you can probably guess is my favorite scene. (;

Alrighty, now for the actual storyline. I was worried it would be too ambiguous, but I believe it turned out okay. THE ENDING: I ended up doing all the work, but I put their names on the project so they got credit too, yet they didn't know I did that... hence the description... "sometimes being a friend is doing good things for people even if they never know it," or whatever I wrote, haha. I just sort wanted to do a good moral type thing, like not expecting a thank you for good deeds, but then again you really shouldn't credit to people who don't do anything. Uhh, now I'm confused. *panics* CUT TO CAMERA B!

I was a little bummed out when I found out a close friend and fantastic follower of the site said she didn't catch the reference where in every episode someone asks the "Wanna hang out later!?" dialogue and the following response corresponds with the theme of the episode. That was my favorite little part of the whole series, and I'm sad that people may not have cuaght that. Perhaps a week was too long of a wait to remember? Should I have inserted a "Previously on TEAM EFFORT..." segment? Ah well. I'm learning from all this. I do know that I won't be doing another multi-parter for a while, so if you didn't like this, don't worry because we will be returning to the good ol' 2-3 minute sketches. The reason I want to work on more videos like that is because... well, when the views of the first episode of Team Effort are 216 and the finale has 87 (these are all at time of writing obviously), I did something wrong. But I wanted to do something different, and you all will never know how hard it was and the things I had to do to pull this off. But oh well, it's all part of the job... (:

Click here to watch it on YouTube!

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Catching Up on Team Effort (About Pt. 3) - Part 2


Catching Up on Team Effort (About Pt. 3) - Part 2

Wow. Wow Wow Wow. I hate it when I put something off that I like doing to the point where it's a chore now. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about: these blog posts! I mean, it's the middle of October and I'm really still talking about TEAM EFFORT, the feature from September!? I mean, geez. You're probably sick of hearing about that video series because it's literally what we've all been about since August (believe me, it's tiring me out too), so I'M FINISHING THIS TODAY. I even posted the photos from filming on our facebook page, and you can find that link on the front page of the site. ALRIGHT, let's get these last two blog posts done (for Team Effort Parts 3 & 4)...

*rewatches Part 3* Ah yes... the turning point of the series. You knew that there would be just one more episode after this one considering how it ended. It is in Part 3 that all of our POV's are finished, and the Professor finally gives us an ultimatum. What I wanted to accomplish in the end is a sense of defeat with myself, and have a sort of "dream-like flashback" of the "IT PROBABLY IS YOUR FAULT" so it would be a VERY obviously hint that I would was the one who didn't do the part of the project because of the guilt-ridden look I had as it silently cut to a "TO BE CONTINUED..."

However as you know (if you've seen the finale), you know that it wasn't a guilt look I was sporting, but a look of intense thinking as I decide to take one for the team in the finale... but more in that in the next blog post! I've included the links below so you can re-watch it... or at least I hope it's a re-watch... I mean, if you haven't seen it this whole entry was a huge spoiler alert...! Then again, you don't get to see the funny stuff that happens in the video (including a good ol' Spongebob reference!) in a blog entry, so click below!

Click here to watch it on YouTube!
