GEEZ! What's with the lack of updates on this site? I check it everyday! And my moderators are lacking in the BLOG department. LAL. Welll, let's see, what to tell you? Well I guess I'll go back from the last post. Man, almost a month ago. Doesn't feel like it. Okay, so. Some new things... as I'm sure you've seen I have a twitter on the home page so you can keep track of me slash stalk me (preferably NOT the latter). If you've been keeping up, I'm not dead and am actually quite active on the world wide web. Perhaps you caught the tweet of me talking about filming in FL? Of course you do! Well that actually happened! Not even kidding. I got some filming done on a neat location, and I hope it will one day see the light... of YouTube. Haha. The filming I took would be the ending for a new video series I want to do... but it's in the very early stages of... well, thinking. Ehhh. We'll see. :)


Alright... sooo some more news related to the blog post title... maybe not as uplifting... but anyway... NEW YORK! I know I didn't blog about it, but it was on my twitter (tee hee)! The trip has come and gone... and... I'm sad to say that I was not able to enter the Nintendo World Store. :( When we had time to shop around Times Square, I managed to snap up the photo you see here of the Rockefeller Center, but it was not in our pre-determined perimeter of our shopping spree. D: So like I said... SO close!!! I didn't even get to see the store with my own eyes. *tear* But I did spend my time with someone special! :]

Oh well... maybe the Nintendo World Store isn't ready for Nintendo Boy... who knows. x.x Ehhh, so more news. I have 3 (THAT'S RIGHT, THREE) new scripts for possible new videos that I would like to shoot, but what do you care? All you want is results. My goal is to have the first one up before May. Cross your fingers!! Oh, and I have been working on a little neat thing for you iPod fans... it's been so frustrating, but I think I may have it down... all of you with your iTunes, and your fancy iPods will soon be able to carry The Nintendo Boy Project with you on the go via our brand new Video Podcast, free! (Haha, but who is gonna want that, honestly?)